Medical Disclaimer

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Although this website may contain information related to various medical conditions and their possible treatment, it does not provide medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for consulting with your own personal doctor or other qualified healthcare professional.

Do not use any of the information (text, graphics, charts, images, photos, messages, comments, or posts) provided on this website to:

  • Self-diagnose and/or self-treat a medical/heath-related problem, or condition you think you may have or have been previously diagnosed with
  • Disregard any advice given to you by your healthcare provider(s)
  • Delay any recommended testing or treatment recommended or ordered by your healthcare provider(s)
  • Stop, or modify the dose of any prescription medication(s) ordered by your healthcare provider(s)
  • Stop, or modify the dose of any over the counter medication(s) or supplement(s) ordered by your healthcare provider(s)
  • Treat or advise others, even though they may request your help

If you have a history of medical illness, even over the counter supplements and medications can potentially make your condition(s) worse or react adversely with medications that you are already on. Please always use good judgment and common sense when it comes to your health and well-being.


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