What’s The Best Magnetic Face Mask? The Answer May Surprise You!

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Magnetic face masks are becoming very popular these days. They are showing up in salons and are available for in-home use. Celebrities like Madonna, Kim Kardashian, and Victoria Beckham are embracing this cosmetic technology and have driven product sales internationally but can these treatments really slow down or reverse the aging process? Once you decide to give it a try then the real question is which is the best magnetic face mask?

Is There Magic In Magnets?Image of a magician holding a wand and top hat.

Magnets have been revered throughout the ages for their mysterious properties and “healing powers”. Magnets have an electromagnetic force that can interact with and influence the electromagnetic fields produced by our body, which is the basis for how MRI scans work. Magnets have also been used as bone stimulators to heal orthopedic injuries.

A magnetic face mask consists of a mixture of skin nutrients and a non-drying thick mud or mud-like substance that contains iron. The mask is applied to the face as usual and then “pulled” off the skin by a hand-held magnet, which attracts the iron. This leaves an iron-free oil-based film that is massaged into the face with the fingers.

When applying this technology to face masks, magnets have been said to be beneficial by:

  • Drawing impurities out of the skin to cleanse it by removing dirt and excess oil from pores
  • Preventing the development of age spots and wrinkles
  • Allowing the skin to heal by stimulating the production of collagen by fibroblasts
  • Using iron particles to activate the ingredients of a traditional face mask
  • Creating an electric current between the iron particles and skin nutrients
  • Interacting with charged particles to increase nutrient penetration

So Which Mask Is Better?

Image of a Venetian face mask.There are many magnetic face mask products available, with new ones arriving almost every day. They can vary in their nutrient composition of oils, vitamins, minerals, and moisturizing agents. Iron particles in the mixture can come from ocean sediment (typically dead sea mud) or clay from volcanic ash. The price of these products can vary widely from less than 20  dollars to hundreds of dollars for a single purchase or professional application.

Various forms of “magnetic therapy” have been used around the world for thousands of years but there is no real fact-based evidence that they have a long-lasting beneficial effect on the human body. Nonetheless, many professionals, including dermatologists, have backed the concept of using magnetic facial therapy to improve skin health.

Although there are many well-advertised brands, there is not really one particular brand that is clearly the winner! If this is your first attempt at using a magnetic face mask then I would recommend that you start with a high-quality product that is affordably priced.

Aliver, A Good Starting PointBest Magnetic Face Mask - Photo of a woman with eyeglasses.

The Aliver Mineral-Rich Magnetic Mask is a great choice for beginners and pros alike, at less than 7 dollars a fluid ounce. It uses an iron-rich mask made from Dead Sea mud. The nutrient component contains traditional mask ingredients with 24 types of minerals that protect and nourish the skin, including magnesium and zinc. It’s recommended use is 1 to 2 times a week. The kit comes with a 3 ounce (100 gram) jar of face mask, 1 spatula, and 1 hand-held magnet.

Directions for use incorporate a six-step process, which is fairly similar for all products of this type:

1. Wash the face gently but thoroughly.

2. Apply the mask evenly to the face with the included spatula, avoiding the mouth and eyes.

3. Let the mask stand for 5 to 10 minutes until it is completely “absorbed” onto the face (note: the mask will not dry).

4.  Cover the hand-held magnet with plastic wrap or a tissue to prevent the mask material from sticking directly to it.

5. Hold the magnet about a half-inch (1 1/4 centimeters) away from the surface of the skin and move over the face to remove the mask. Change the cover on the mask as necessary to prevent buildup and to keep the magnetic pull strong.

6. Massage the remaining nutrients into your face with your hands and fingertips. You can gently wash any remaining reside if your face feels oily.

It is important to apply the mask with the spatula to spread it evenly and with consistent thickness. It must be removed with the magnet to benefit by the effects of the magnetic field on the skin and facial circulation.

Here is a video that demonstrates the application and removal process of the Aliver Mineral-Rich Magnetic Mask:

I  highly recommend you try the Aliver Mineral-Rich Magnetic Mask. I know you will love how it makes your skin look and feel!

Some Things To Remember

Using magnetic skin masks is a pretty straight-forward process and with a little practice, it will quickly become a part of your weekly beauty routine. However, here five important points to keep in mind.

  • Apply With Care – When applying the mask keep it away from your eyes and mouth. Some of the ingredients, particularly the iron, can cause irritation of your eyes and lips.
  • Dispose Of Properly – Do not put the mask material down the sink drain. It could cause harm to your plumbing or septic tank. Wrap it up well to prevent it from causing possible discoloration to metallic waste receptacles.
  • Watch For Allergic Reactions – In very rare instances people have experienced allergic skin reactions to iron. If you notice any problems with your skin after beginning treatment then stop using the product immediately and call your healthcare provider for further instructions.
  • Be Pacemaker Aware – Do not use this product if you have a cardiac pacemaker. The hand-held magnet could affect or damage your pacemaker and result in serious bodily harm or even death. If you have a “magnet-friendly” pacemaker, always check with your healthcare provider before using this product.
  • Avoid Electronic Interference – Keep the magnet away from all electronic devices such as computers, laptops & tablets, and cell phones. It could destroy important stored information or cause permanent damage to your equipment. Things like credit and debit cards can be corrupted by the magnet and rendered unreadable.

Final ThoughtsImage of a brain inside a lightbulb.

Face masks have been around for hundreds of years. The first facial mask was used in 18th century England and invented by Madame Rowley. Although face masks have distinguished themselves by their variation in active and inert ingredients they all essentially work on the same general principles. The magnetic face mask represents the first true departure from this traditional approach to facial health and beauty.

I encourage you to try a magnetic facial and see what it can do for you. The Aliver Magnetic Mask is a great way to get started! It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to achieve good results. Start with one treatment a week. You will most likely require several treatments before you notice a change in the way your skin looks and feels. You may require two or more treatments a week, depending on your skin texture and it’s overall condition.

Tell Us What You ThinkSculpture of "The Thinker"

Please let us know what’s on your mind in the comment section, or if I can help you with anything.

  • Have you used this product or another magnetic face mask before?
  • Have magnetic facial products improved the feel and look of your skin?
  • Do you have any helpful tips or suggestions?

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10 thoughts on “What’s The Best Magnetic Face Mask? The Answer May Surprise You!”

  1. Good one here and thanks for sharing this out here. Well! Obvious,  I can not make use of a magnetic face mask but I want to get it for my girlfriend. She has been complaining of some irregularities on here face and all and I wish to surprise her by getting something of this nature for her. Thanks for the detailed information and also for recommending this Aliver Mineral-Rich Magnetic Mask. I will check it oit now.

    • Hi Phillip,

      Thank You for your comments.

      I think your girlfriend will really like this product.

      The facemask will also work on men.  🙂


  2. This looks really cool! At first, I wasn’t sure how it worked to hold the magnet slightly above your face to remove the mask. That’s why I am glad that you included the video. It was fascinating to watch the woman remove the mask with the magnet. It is unfortunate that you have to change out the cling wrap so often, as that creates more plastic waste, but maybe you don’t have to use as big a piece as she did. Thanks so much for the review!

    • Hi Steve,

      Thanks for commenting on this post!

      Yes, it is a very cool technology. You can use a smaller piece of plastic wrap on the magnet or even a tissue. First-time users tend to apply a bigger piece of covering than is really necessary.


  3. When i read the title Megnetic mask i was curious to see what this is all about and to be honest I had never seen something like this before. I don’t know how new this thing is but I never knew that there are magnet removing skin masks. The concept is really cool and easy to clean with the magnet and I think it’s an amazing feature for all the ladies that use such products very often. Thank you for the interesting read.

    • Hi There,

      Glad you enjoyed the article!

      We men should take a lesson from all that women do to look and feel good, and get better at taking care of ourselves because the seemingly “little things” really do matter!  🙂

      I agree with you that it’s a very cool technology.

      Thank You for taking the time to read this article and for your comments.


  4. I must be honest: I’ve never heard about magnetic masks and I found this article extremely cool and useful! Thanks for making me discover this product! I want to try it cause it seems extremely beneficial and I am very curious about it! Thanks for sharing such accurate info, especially those related to what should be avoided while using these masks. I discovered something new today, and this thanks to you!

    • Hi Rosalia,

      Thank You for your comments!

      I agree that it is an interesting cosmetic technology.

      If you actually give it a try, I highly recommend the product that is mentioned in my article. Please let me know how you like it and any particular pros and cons related to your experience.


  5. I had no idea that there was such a mask on the market. Great information and I loved the video.
    Thank you for bringing awareness to my life!
    I saved your page so I can come back and order this mask


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